Hey! I’m Vihaan.

Right now, I’m fascinated by building tools that can augment cognition, learning about AI, and competitive programming puzzles. Within building tools that augment cognition, I’m especially interested in information retrieval. I also want to eventually build the kind of Social Infrastructure for others that’s been missing for a lot of my life.

I keep an infrequently updated blog at https://vihaansondhi.substack.com/, but I spend a lot of time thinking, and I like translating those ideas to words in my journal. Inspired by Andy Matuschak, Jacky Zhao, and Jess Martin, I’ve started this collection of writing as a way to publish the ideas that don’t get lost in between my journal and the blog. Ideally, all of these notes should be Evergreen (though most aren’t perfect yet). The notes are kind of weird. Some of them address a reader, some of them address myself, and others are just statements not really targeted at anyone in particular.

In here, I’ve linked to several articles that I’ve read before. If you want to see my highlights and notes on these articles, quickly sign up to https://curius.app/ and follow me at https://curius.app/vihaan-sondhi. You should see my profile at the top of any article that I’ve saved to Curius.

Paths to get started:
Common Abbreviations:
  • TFT in place of tools for thought
  • SRS in place of spaced repetition system
Bugs to be fixed
  • Search might be broken because I keep failing to integrate semantic search after paying up for an OpenAI embeddings api key :(
  • The note dates update every time I sync with my Obsidian notes (which is everyday), so the dates for every note will almost always be within the last few days.
  • Wonky formatting with tagging.
  • I’ve only been using Curius for a few days, so most of the articles here aren’t saved to it yet.

For more about me and contact info, visit my Substack .