On 7/10/2024, I started being more intentional about spending some time everyday thinking about things that annoy me. I’ve noticed that a lot of my best ideas (blog posts, improving friendships, making the world around me better, etc) have come from noticing and reflecting on something that annoyed me. I want to make that happen more often, and I decided to record the more public ones here.
- It’s annoying how many high school extracurriculars feel performative. Most clubs, internships, and other opportunities are more about signaling your interest than actually learning anything new or doing something excitingly ambitious.
- Finding your way to a life you love is really hard. It’s hard to be constantly experimenting and being in tune with yourself. It’s hard to try to resist desiring things just because other people want them. It’s hard to know what truly makes your happy. It’s hard to be able to prioritize between your experiencing self and your remembering self.
- I’m 16 now. This time next year I’ll be going into senior year. Then I’ll be graduating high school. I’ll be responsible for myself. I’ll go to college, have a job, pay rent, have a mortgage. It’s scary.
- Why do an unreasonably large amount of people have this belief that everybody has some calling they’re destined for, and all they need to do is “discover their passion.” You fall in love by doing the thing. There’s so many other things you could be doing, and in different life circumstances you would feel just as much passion for them.