A branch of How to change the way you think.
Use situation based spaced repetition cards. For example, if you want to start eating healthier you can add cards like:
- I will limit my sugar intake to < [cloze (21 grams)] a day.
- When I see junk food in front of me, I [cloze (won’t eat it.)]
- When you go to the grocery store, what type of food should you not bring?
- Junk food
If you’ve discovered a new tip to improve your writing (let’s call it x
), and you know you want to use that tip when you write your next blog post, but you don’t know when that’ll be, use cards like:
- The next time I write a blog post I will do [cloze (
)] or I will dox
the next time I [cloze (write a blog post)]